As mentioned in a previous article of mine, the presenter at the AJS conference took exception to Yaphet ben Eli's condemnation of Rabbanites while not venting any of his disdain upon either Islam or Christianity. She felt that this was grossly unfair and in some way alluded to an anti-Jewish agenda by Karaite Jews. Besides being pathetically amusing as I don't think you could find any community any more pro-Jewish than Karaites (since we consider ourselves to be the genuine article), it is so shockingly inaccurate that I am amazed that the presenter would actually be considered a qualified expert on the topic to be invited to speak at a conference with a worldwide audience. To imply that the discourses of Yaphet ben Eli were the entire summation of Karaite polemics would be like suggesting that Moses standing on Mount Sinai is the entire extent of Jewish history with nothing preceding nor following. She deliberately chose to overlook the extent of Karaite polemics which were very convincing in their debating the inaccuracies and fallacies of other religions, so much so that no Rabbanite documents could match them for their extent of research and level of defence. In many cases Rabbanite Jews claimed the Karaite writings for their own, adding passages and paragraphs in order to introduce an element of Talmud but in so doing, weakening the argument and thereby reducing the impact these Karaite documents would have had if left alone. In that regard, I am more fortunate than most, having been handed down an original copy of Hazok Amonah published at the end of the !7th century. When it was handed to me, I was told two things: one, to never let the book leave the possession of the family and secondly, to know when the time was right to wield it like a sword. At the same time I was told the title should be translated as 'A Testimony of Strength', indicating that knowldedge of the book would imbue the reader with the strength to refute any argument trying to justify the sanctity of Christian doctrine. In effect, this little book (it fits into the palm of my hand) written by Isaac ben Abraham Troki was the ultimate polemic against Christian teachings. In its time, so devastating was the arguments made by Troki that the Church ordered that all copies of the book be confiscated and burned. But like so many things the Church wished to eliminate completely, Judaism in particular, they failed to do so and copies survived, Not many, but the one in my possession is proof that you can never completely destroy an idea through force. What can destroy it is ignorance and adulteration, and like so many other great Karaite works, the Rabbis did manage to publish copies of this particular book but with their additions. These additions were obtained from their writings regarding Christianity in the Talmud and like so much of the Talmud, not only were their arguments without any quantifiable research, they bordered on the absurd and ridiculous. Suddenly a book which in its original form shook the very foundations of Christianity became a poor parody of limited amusing value. Even the translation of the title was altered to reflect the Rabbanites desire that the book serve to reinforce their own faith and counteract the growing tide of assimilation and conversion amongst their congregations. 'Faith Strengthened' became the books new title translation, as they hoped it would stop the exodus from Rabbinical Judaism by ridiculing the Christianity to which the converts were turning. Hardly the agent of strengthening values, their version of Troki's book only served to confuse people more that were already confused as to which religion represented God's true teachings.
What most historians fail to acknowledge is that without the development of Rabbinical Judaism there would have been no birth of Christianity. The origin had less to do with Yeshua (Jesus) and more to do with the distorted teachings of the Pharisees and their progeny called Rabbanites post destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. This is not conjecture, this is fact derived from their own Talmud. It is the reason that I have tolerance and patience for the Messianic Jews of today. When some of my colleagues question as to why I have Messianics on my blogs and contact pages, I have a simple answer, "Because they are merely victims of the confusion woven by the Rabbanites." How can I condemn them for what they do not understand. If the source of that confusion is the Talmud then it is the Talmud that I should not tolerate not those that are its victims. Therefore to me, they are no different than the lost children of Rabbinic Judasim. Once shown the truth and the correct path, they will return; of that I am certain.
In my latest discourses to follow I will present a series of articles on this topic and particluarly the Hazok Amonah. I will let Isaac ben Abraham Troki speak on his own behalf for the most part. There is little I can add to his arguments but where I do, I hope that had he been alive today he would forgive me for my liberties and approve of any additions I make. The first of the articles will examine the creation of Christianity and how it was a Pharasaic or Rabbanite development. A progression of their own thoughts and writings and ultimately their own undoing. Because they dared to challenge the scriptures and alter the words of God, they unleashed the embodiment of their esoteric fantasies and for that we have borne the punishment. Recognizing the 'Golem' they had created, a manifestation that turned against it's own masters that created it, they countered with such writings as the Toldoth Jeshua ( but it was too late. They could not put the proverbial genie back into the bottle. All their attempts of ridicule and sarcasm that they incorporated into their Talmud only served to increase the animosity harboured by this new religion called Christianity against its birth parent. As Karaites we saw that the Rabbanites had become entrapped by their own distortions and fabrications. In order to deny Christianity it necessitated that they also admit that many of their interpretations of the afterlife and messianic aspirations also had to be denied. Since much of this was derived from what they referred to as the Oral Laws, then it also meant they'd have to declare the Talmud a false document created by men and lacking Divine origins. They could not bring themselves to do so and the rest as we say, 'is history.'
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